In 1 bougie |
1. Cereoli iodoformi et morphinæe. |
Iodoform .. .. .. .. |
0·320 gramme |
Morphine hydrochloride .. .. |
0·016 '' |
Oil of theobroma, sufficient to fill a 1-gramme mould. |
2. Emplastrum opii. |
Elemi .. .. .. .. |
20 |
Terebinthina .. .. .. |
30 |
Cera flava .. .. .. |
15 |
Olibanum pulvis .. .. .. |
18 |
Benzoes pulvis .. .. .. |
10 |
Opii pulvis .. .. .. |
5 |
Balsamum peruvianum .. .. |
2 |
3. Emplastrum opii. |
Extract of opium .. .. |
25 grammes |
Refined elemi .. .. .. |
25 '' |
Diachylon plaster with gum .. .. |
50 '' |
4. Emplastrum opii |
Elemi .. .. .. .. |
8 '' |
Terebinthinæ communis .. .. |
15 '' |
Ceræ flavæ |
8 '' |
Olibani pulveratæ |
8 '' |
Benzoes pulveratæ .. .. |
4 '' |
Opii pulverati .. .. .. |
2 '' |
Balsami peruviani .. .. |
1 '' |
5. Emplastrum opii. |
Opium, in very fine powder .. |
10 '' |
Resin plaster .. .. .. |
90 '' |
6. Emplastrum opii (see formula under 5) mixed with other plasters contained in the Saorstát Eireann Pharmacopœia or British Pharmaceutical Codex. |
7. Linimentum opii. |
Tincture of opium .. .. |
500 millilitres |
Liniment of soap .. .. |
500 '' |
8. Linimemtum opii (see formula under 7) mixed with any other liniment of the Saorstát Eireann Pharmacopœia or of the British Pharmaceutical Codex. |
9. Linimemtum opii ammoniatum. |
Ammoniated liniment of camphor |
30 |
Tincture of opium .. .. |
30 |
Liniment of belladonna .. .. |
5 |
Strong solution of ammonia .. |
5 |
Liniment of soap to 100. |
10. Linimentum opii ammoniatum (see formula under 9) mixed with any other Saorstát Eireann Pharmacopœia or British Pharmaceutical Codex liniment. |
11. Caustic "Nerve Pastes." |
Preparations containing in addition to morphine salts, or morphine and cocaine salts, at least 25 per cent. of arsenious acid, and made up with the requisite proportion of creosote or phenol to produce the consistency of a paste. |
12. Diarrhœa pills |
Camphor .. .. .. .. |
0·0648 gramme |
Lead acetate .. .. .. |
0·013 '' |
Bismuth subnitrate .. .. |
0·162 '' |
Tannic acid .. .. .. |
0·0648 '' |
Opium powder .. .. .. |
0·026 '' |
13. Pilulæ digitalis et Opii Compositæ |
Digitalis leaves, in powder .. |
0·31 '' |
Opium in powder. .. .. |
0·19 '' |
Ipecacuanha root, in powder .. .. |
0·13 '' |
Quinine sulphate .. .. |
0·78 '' |
Syrup of glucose, a sufficient quantity to make 12 pills. |
14. Pilulæ hydrargyri cum Opio. |
Mercury pill .. .. .. |
3·89 grammes |
Opium, in powder .. .. |
0·19 gramme |
To make 12 pills. |
15. Pilulæ hydrargyri cum Creta et Opii. |
Mercury with chalk .. .. |
0·78 '' |
Compound powder of ipecacuanha1 |
0·78 '' |
Milk sugar, a sufficient quantity. |
Syrup of glucose, a sufficient quantity. |
To make 12 pills. |
16. Pilulæ ipecacuanhæ cum Scilla. |
Compound powder of ipecacuanha1 |
30 grammes |
Squill, in powder .. .. |
10 '' |
Ammoniacum, in powder .. |
10 '' |
Syrup of glucose, a sufficient quantity. |
17. Pilulæ hydrargyri bichlorrati cum Opii extracto. |
Bichloride of mercury triturated |
Extract of opium .. .. |
10 centigrammes |
Extract of couch-grass .. .. |
20 '' |
Liquorice root in powder, q.s. for 10 pills. |
20 '' |
18. Pilulæ hydrargyri iodati cum Opii pulvere. |
Hydrargyrum iodatum freshly prepared .. .. |
50 '' |
Opium powder .. .. .. |
20 '' |
Powdered liquorice . .. |
30 '' |
White honey, q.s. for 10 pills. |
19. Pilula plumbi cum Opio. |
Lead acetate, in powder .. |
80 grammes |
Opium in powder . . . . |
12 '' |
Syrup of glucose .. .. |
8 '' |
(or a sufficient quantity) |
20. Pilulæ terebinthinæ com-positæ. |
Opium .. .. .. .. |
0·5 gramme |
Chinini sulfas .. .. .. |
2 grammes |
Styrax liquidus |
2 '' |
Terebinthina laricina .. .. |
8 '' |
Magnesii subcarbonas, a sufficient quantity to make 100 pills. |
1 The formula of this powder is given under 21, Pulvis ipecacuanhæ compositus. |
21. Pulvis ipecacuanhæ compositus (Dover`s powder) |
Ipecacuanha root, in powder. |
10 grammes |
Opium, in powder .. .. |
10 '' |
Potassium sulphate in powder .. |
80 '' |
22. Mixtures of Dover's powder (see formula under 21) with mercury and chalk, aspirin, phenacetin, quinine and its salts, and sodium bicarbonate. |
23. Pulvis kino compositus. |
Kino, in powder .. .. .. |
75 '' |
Opium, in powder |
5 '' |
Cinnamon bark, in powder .. |
20 '' |
24. Sterilised Solutions of Morphine and Atropine in Ampoules of I·I c.c. having a maximum content of 2 per cent. of morphine salts and a minimum content of 0·05 per cent. of atropine salts. |
25. Suppositoria plumbi composita. |
Lead acetate, in powder .. |
2·4 '' |
Opium, in powder .. .. |
0·8 gramme |
Oil of theobroma, a sufficient quantity for 12 suppositories, each weighing about 1 gramme. |
26. Coryza Tablets No. 2. |
Powdered opium .. .. .. |
0·0043 '' |
Quinine sulphate .. .. .. |
0·022 '' |
Ammom. chloride .. .. |
0·022 '' |
Camphor .. .. .. .. |
0·022 '' |
Ext. belladonna leaves .. |
0·0043 '' |
Ext. aconite root .. .. |
0·0043 '' |
27. Diarrhæ Tablets No. 2. |
Powdered opium .. .. .. |
0·016 '' |
Camphor .. .. .. .. |
0·016 '' |
Powdered ipecacuanha .. .. |
0·008 '' |
Lead acetate .. .. .. |
0·011 '' |
28. Dysentery Tablets. |
Powdered opium .. .. .. |
0.013 '' |
Powdered ipecacuanha .. .. |
0·0648 '' |
Powdered calomel .. .. |
0·0324 '' |
Lead acetate .. .. .. |
0·0324 '' |
Bismuth betanaphthol .. .. |
0·1944 '' |
29. Tabella hydrargyri cum Opio. |
Mercurous chloride powder .. |
0·065 '' |
Antimony oxide powder .. |
0·065 '' |
Ipecacuanha-root powder .. |
0·065 '' |
Powdered opium .. .. .. |
0·065 '' |
Milk sugar .. .. .. |
0·065 '' |
Gelatine solution, a sufficient quantity to make 1 tablet. |
30. Tabella plumbi cum Opio. |
Sugar of lead .. .. .. |
0·195 '' |
Powdered opium .. .. .. |
0·065 '' |
Gelatine solution, a sufficient quantity to make 1 tablet. |
31. Tablettæ plumbi cum Opio. |
Lead acetate, in fine powder. |
19·44 grammes |
Opium, in powder .. .. |
3·24 '' |
Refined sugar, in powder .. |
6·48 '' |
Ethereal solution of theobroma .. |
3·60 mils |
Alcohol .. .. .. .. |
0·90 '' |
32. Unguentum gallæ compositum. |
Galls in very fine powder .. |
20 |
Extract of opium .. .. |
4 |
Distilled water .. .. .. |
16 |
Wool fat .. .. .. .. |
10 |
Soft paraffin, yellow .. .. |
50 |
33. Unguentum gallæ compositum (see formula under 32) mixed with other ointments and plasters contained in the Saorstát Eireann Pharmacopœia or British Pharmaceutical Codex |
34. Unguentum gallæ cum Opio. |
Gall ointment .. .. .. |
92·5 grammes |
Opium, in powder .. .. |
7·5 '' |
35. Unguentum gallæ cum Opio (see formula under 34) mixed with other ointments and plasters contained in the Saorstát Eireann Pharmacopœia or British Pharmaceutical Codex. |
36. Yatren-105 (Iodooxy- quinoline-sulphonic acid) with 5 per cent opium admixture. |
1. Bernatzik's Injections. |
(a) Hydrargyrum bicyanatum .. |
0·03 |
Cocainum .. .. .. |
0·02 |
(b) Hydrargyrum succinatum .. |
0·03 |
Cocainum .. .. .. |
0·01 |
2. Stila's Injections. |
(a) Hydrargyrum succinatum .. |
0·03 |
Cocainum muriaticum .. |
0·01 |
(b) Hydrargyrum succinatum .. |
0·05 |
Cocainum muriaticum .. |
0·03 |
3. Natrium biboracicum com-positum cum Cocaino. |
In tablets, compressed tablets, lozenges, pastilles and the like, difficult to break up, and containing not more than 0·2 per cent. of cocaine salts in conjunction with not less than 20 per cent. borax and not less than 20 per cent antipyrine, or some similar analgesic, and not more than 40 per cent. of flavouring matter. Maximum weight of each tablet, etc., 1 gramme. |
4. Caustic "Nerve Pastes." |
Preparations containing, in addition to cocaine salts or cocaine and morphine salts, at least 25 per cent. of arsenious acid, and made up with the requisite proportion of creosote or phenol to produce the consistency of a paste. |
5. Cocaine and Atropine Tablets, with a content of not more than 0·0003 gramme of cocaine salts and not less than 0·0003 gramme of atropine salts to each tablet. |
Atropinum sulphuricum Cocainum hydrochloricum
0·0003 gramme
0·0003 ''
0·003 ''
Weight of one tablet |
0·0036 gramme |
Cocaine content 8·3 per cent. |
6. Voice Tablets. |
Kalium chloricum. |
Borax. |
Cocainum .. .. .. |
0·00025 gramme |
Weight of one tablet .. |
0·335 '' |
1. Elixir camphoræ compositum. |
Camphor .. .. .. .. |
4 grains |
Oil of anise .. .. .. .. |
5 minims |
Benzoic acid .. .. .. |
6 grains |
Diamorphine hydrochloride .. |
4 '' |
Liquid extract of ipecacuanha .. |
120 minims |
Tincture of squill .. .. .. |
1½ fl. ounce |
Simple syrup to 20 fl. ounces. |
2. Elixir diamorphinæ et Terpini, with Apomorphine. |
Apomorphine hydrochloride |
5 grains |
Diamorphine hydrochloride .. |
4 '' |
Terpin hydrate .. .. .. |
44 '' |
Alcohol .. .. .. .. |
10 fl. ounces |
Glycerine |
5 '' '' |
Syrup of wild cherry to 20 fl. ounces. |
3. Linctus diamorphinæ, with Ipceacuanha. |
Liquid extract of ipecacuanha |
120 minims |
Diamorphine hydrochloride .. |
4 grains |
Tincture of hyoscyamus .. .. |
1½ fll. ounce. |
Spirit of chloroform .. |
1½ '' '' |
Syrup of balsam of tolu .. .. |
3 fl. ounces |
Syrup of wild cherry .. .. |
3 '' '' |
Glycerine to 20 fl. ounces. |
4. Linctus senegæ compositus. |
Liquid extract of senega .. |
1 fl. ounce |
Liquid extract of squill .. .. |
1 '' '' |
Tartarated antimony .. .. |
8 grains |
Diamorphine hydrochloride .. |
4 '' |
Glycerine .. .. .. .. |
2 fl. ounces |
Simple syrup to 20 fl. ounces. |
5. Linctus thymi compositus. |
Diamorphine hydrochloride .. |
4 grains |
Apomorphine hydrochloride .. |
5 '' |
Distilled water .. .. .. |
1 fl. ounce |
Liquid extract of thyme (I-I) .. |
5 fl. ounces |
Solution of tolu .. .. .. |
1¼ fl. ounce |
Glycerine to 20 fl. ounces. |
1. Cardiazol-Dicodide Solutions. |
Solutions containing not less than 10 per cent. of cardiazol and not more than 0·5 per cent. of dicodide salts. |
1. Anti-Opium Tablets. |
Eucodal .. .. .. .. |
1 gramme |
Pulvis gentianæ |
35 grammes |
Pulvis ipecacuanhæ .. .. |
20 '' |
Quinine sulphate .. .. .. |
20 '' |
Caffeine .. .. .. .. |
5 '' |
Sugar of milk .. .. .. |
25 '' |
Mix up and make up 5-grain tablets. |
2. Tablets B. B. Compound |
Berberis vulgaris powder .. |
0·0324 gramme |
Nux vomica .. .. |
0·013 '' |
Eucodal .. .. .. |
0·0032 '' |
Ipecacuanha |
0·0648 '' |
Rhubarb .. .. .. |
0·013 '' |
Pulvis cinnamoni compositus |
0·0324 '' |
Aromatic chalk .. .. |
0·0032 '' |
3. Sterilised Solutions of Eucodal and Atropine having a maximum content of 2 per cent. of eucodal salts and a minimum content of 0·05 per cent. of atropine salts. |