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Increase of crew space.

64.(1) Subsection (1) of section two hundred and ten of the principal Act
(which provides for the space required for each seaman or apprentice in any
place in a British ship occupied by seamen or apprentices and appropriated to
their use) shall be construed as if a space of not less than one hundred and
twenty cubic feet and of not less than fifteen superficial feet measured on
the deck or floor of that place were substituted for a space of not less than
seventy-two cubic feet and of not less than twelve superficial feet measured
on the deck or floor of that place.

(2) In estimating the space available for the proper accommodation of seamen
and apprentices, there may be taken into account the space occupied by any
mess rooms, bath rooms, or washing places appropriated exclusively to the use
of those seamen and apprentices, so, however, that the space in any place
appropriated to the use of seamen or apprentices in which they sleep is not
less than seventy-two cubic feet and twelve superficial feet for each seaman
or apprentice.

(3) Nothing in this section shall affect

(a)any ship registered before the passing of this Act or which was in course
of construction on the first day of January nineteen hundred and seven; or

(b)any ship of not more than three hundred tons burden; or

(c)any fishing boat within the meaning of Part IV of the principal Act,

S.65 rep. by 1970 c.36 s.100 sch.5[

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