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Northern Irish Legislation

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Disputes between connecting railways to be decided by the Board of Trade.

11. Where two or more railway companies whose railways have a common terminus
or a portion of the same line or rails in common, or which form separate
portions of one continued line of railway communication, shall not be able to
agree upon arrangements for conducting at such common terminus, or at the
point of junction between them, their joint traffic with safety to the public,
it shall be lawful for the lords of the said committee, upon the application
of either of the parties, to decide the questions in dispute between them, so
far as the same relate to the safety of the public, and to order and determine
whether the whole or what proportion of the expenses attending on such
arrangements shall be borne by either of the parties respectively; and if any
railway company shall refuse or wilfully neglect to obey any such order made
upon or against such company by the lords of said committee pursuant to this
provision, such company shall forfeit to Her Majesty the sum of twenty pounds
per day for every day during which such refusal or neglect shall continue; and
every such penalty may be recovered in any of Her Majesty's courts of record

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