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Northern Irish Legislation

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Persons in possession deemed entitled til the contrary shall be shown.

30. Provided always, that where any question shall arise touching the title of
any person to any money to be paid into the Bank of England, ..., in the name
and with the privity of the remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer, or the
Queen's remembrancer, or other proper officer, pursuant to the directions of
this Act, or to any bank annuities to be purchased with any such money, or the
dividends or interest of any such Bank annuities, the person or persons who
shall have been in possession of the property so purchased at the time of the
purchase shall be deemed to have been lawfully entitled to such property
according to such possession, until the contrary shall be shown to the
satisfaction of the said Court of Exchequer, and the dividends or interest of
the Bank annuities to be purchased with such money, and also the capital of
such bank annuities, shall be paid, applied and disposed of accordingly,
unless it shall be made to appear to the said court that such possession or
receipt was wrongful, and that some other person or persons was or were
lawfully entitled to such property.

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