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Northern Irish Legislation

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25.(1) Costs in respect of anything done by a person who acts or purports to
act as a solicitor while he is not qualified so to act shall not be
recoverable in any action, suit or matter by that person or any person
claiming through or under him.

(2) Nothing in paragraph (1) shall affect any indemnity which a client of such
a person as is referred to in that paragraph has under an order of any court
in respect of costs awarded under the order, to the extent (if any) to which
the client may have paid such costs to that person at the date of the order.

(3) Nothing in paragraph (1) or in Article 19(2)(b) shall prevent the recovery
of money paid or to be paid by a solicitor on behalf of a client in respect of
anything done by the solicitor while acting for the client without holding a
practising certificate in force, where the money would have been recoverable
if the solicitor had held such a certificate in force when so acting.

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